Sumatra Barat


Yuk ditonton video promosi pariwisata Sumatra Barat untuk dunia Internasional

Much of its highland is formed by the Bukit Barisan Mountain range; virgin jungles inhabited by elephants, tigers, leopards and rhinos. Minang people have spicy-hot dishes and ancient matriarchal customs. The women own property and the men leave home to seek their fame and fortune. Traveling is considered a mark of success, Padang restaurants are found in all major towns across the nation. The people are hospitable and eloquent. They primarily speak bahasa Minang, with poetic style of speech Continue reading

Jalur Kereta Api Riau-Sumbar Segera Dibangun


Kementerian Perhubungan terus mematangkan rencana pembangunan jalur kereta api dari Muaro Kalaban, Sumbar ke Pekanbaru, Riau. Direktorat Jenderal  Perkeretaapian Kementerian Perhubungan  menargetkan pembangunan jalur tersebut secepatnya dan dapat diselesaikan dalam waktu lima tahun.

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